Welcome to the PP&B Wiki
PP&B is the computer support group at the Fritz-Haber-Institut der MPG. We provide most of the IT Services.
If you have problems or questions write an E-Mail to
or call
For software installation requests, please read this first!!
PP&B can best be reached electronically. |
We are available via e-mail, Matrix (https://trinity.fhi.mpg.de), or via Phone |
Last important News/ Maintenance Updates:
Mon, 01. April.2024
Powered off RocketChat , please use alternatives.
Thu, 22. Feb.2024
Matrix Instance Trinity is now online,
Wed, 21. Jun.2024
Cyberattack on the IT infrastructure of BHT (Berliner Hochschule für Technik), all services are down.
Thu, 01. Jan. 2024
We say goodbye to our college and friend Carla, who is now retired.
Thu, 01. Jun.2023
We say goodbye to our colleage and friend William Kirstaedter , have a nice journey (he still works for the FHI Free Electron Laser crew )
Mon, 01. May.2023
Introducing our new mailing-list server (please contact us for more information)
Here are some Links to the most requested information:
- General Information (Allgemeine Informationen)
- Mail System
- Quick Mail Setup
- Telefonnutzungskonzept am FHI
- FHI Cloud Service faster than any NextCloud
- Indico Conference/Workshop/Event system
- Sandstorm collaboration tool
- DFN conference service login with FHI IDP
- DFN Terminplaner/Umfragen without login
- Cryptshare der GWDG
- Spamfilter
- Greylist Verfahren
- Public Key Infrastructure (Cert request)
- Printer Installation Windows via ADPrint (Prefered)
- Printer Installation Windows via CUPS
- Printer Installation MAC
- Eduroam or Wifi access at the FHI
- FHI Elog
- Database
- Windows Desktops (Windows Rechner)
- Software (Software deutsche Version)
- Telefon System
- Mailbox trouble
- RocketChat Messaging Service
- GLT ( Zählerstand abfragen )
- FHI User Account Registration/Renewal
- Unix-Kurs
- Zugriffsrechte manipulieren (Kapitel 6c, Unix-Kurs)
- PC Special Seminar 2024: The Future Role of PP&B at FHI
- ISC Workshop 2024: IT - From the Curse to a Blessing?
- eMail am Fritz
- public key infrastructure am FHI, Verschlüsselung
- Wie funktioniert das Internet
- Storage am FHI