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Jupyter Hub TLJH

PPB WIKI > HPC > Jupyter Hub TLJH

For support or further information about the HPC Systems at FHI, please contact:

Simeon Beinlich (Phone: +49 30 8413 5270, Email: beinlich@fhi-berlin.mpg.de)

TLJH Overview

The JupyterHub TLJH (tljh.fhi.mpg.de) is based on the OpenSource Project The Littlest JupyterHub and provides the common JupyterLab Features on a dedicated server. You can create your own Python environments (based on the Anaconda project) custom to your needs (see Managing Your Python Environments), and also use Terminal Sessions to access the underlying filesystem and make modifications to your setup.

The JupyterHub runs on a server with the following resources, which are shared by all users:

6 AMD EPYC cpus 24GB RAM 200 GB disk storage

Documentation and Git

Please refer to the TLJH WIki in the FHI GITLAB TLJH Repository If you do not yet have a FHI GITLAB account, register now (FHI members only).

Mailing list

Please subscribe to the FHI-HPC-Users Mailing list for important information on the FHI HPC systems and maintenance notes. This is a newsletter mailing list, not a public one, so you will only be notified for important messages!


Any member of the FHI can use the TLJH service, just login with your common FHI credentials!.

Page last modified on 15. Feb 2024, at 17:54